Shruthi Haasan featured in two big Tollywood blockbusters earlier this year. Her two Sankranti releases – Waltair Veerayya and Veera Simha Reddy, collected huge numbers at the box office. However, she didn’t get much attention because both Chiru and Balayya walked away with most of the credit for the success of both films. She didn’t even attend the promotions at that time.
Now, Shruthi is awaiting the release of her upcoming biggie ‘Salaar’, in which she is paired with Prabhas. Salaar is a pan-India film that is going to be released in multiple languages on September 28th. There are mammoth expectations for the film because of the solid buzz in all territories. Prashanth Neel and his team are making sure that the film gets massive openings.
As Salaar is a crucial film in her career, Shruthi Haasan is dubbing for her role in all three languages. Shruthi Haasan is a polyglot like her father. She has a good grip on Telugu and Hindi besides her mother tongue Tamil. She felt that dubbing on her own would give more authenticity to her character on screen. Hence, she decided to go the extra mile and put in valiant efforts to dub in all three languages.
Her dubbing formalities are currently being done in Hyderabad. She is likely to take part in promotions along with Prabhas.
Shruthi Haasan goes extra mile for Salaar
Wednesday, January 22, 2025