Talented Tollywood actor Sharwanand tied the nuptial knot with Rakshitha Reddy, niece of TDP leader Bojjala Gopala Krishna Reddy, in a grand ceremony held in the palatial Hawa Mahal of Leela Palace in Jaipur. The ceremony took place on June 3rd in a flamboyant manner with pre-wedding festivities which happened two days before the marriage event.
A few adorable and magnificent photos from the wedding ceremony have been released officially and they are currently going viral on social media platforms. Surprisingly, Sharwanand invited only Ram Charan and a few other friends from the industry for this memorable day. Dil Raju, Siddharth, and Aditi Rao Hydari are among those who attended the event in Jaipur.
Sharwanand and Ram Charan are very close friends. They share a very good rapport. Ram Charan attended the ceremony and blessed the couple. Sharwanand will host a reception for all Tollywood bigwigs on June 9th in Hyderabad. Many celebrities are expected to grace this event.
Sharwanand invited only Ram Charan for wedding
Wednesday, January 22, 2025