Prominent senior leaders within the Telugu Desam Party (TDP) have called for the appointment of Andhra Pradesh Minister and TDP National General Secretary Nara Lokesh as Deputy Chief Minister. The proposal was initially put forward by TDP Politburo member R. Srinivasulu Reddy, who recommended Lokesh for the position. This suggestion was later endorsed by Assembly Deputy Speaker and Undi MLA Raghu Rama Raju.
Adding weight to the demand, former minister, TDP Politburo member, and MLA Somireddy Chandramohan Reddy expressed his support, describing Lokesh as highly deserving of the Deputy CM post. In a tweet on Sunday, Somireddy emphasized Lokesh’s resilience in navigating political challenges and enduring adversities. He highlighted Lokesh’s leadership abilities, proven during the Yuvagalam padayatra, which showcased his determination and earned the admiration of both the party cadre and the people of Andhra Pradesh.
Somireddy further appealed to the TDP leadership to consider Nara Lokesh for the Deputy CM role, stating that he possesses all the qualifications necessary for the position.