Andhra Pradesh Minister Sathya Kumar has said that there have been huge irregularities in the ‘Arogyasri’ scheme, which was launched to help patients who are deprived of treatment due to poverty. A detailed inquiry will be conducted into the irregularities that took place during the tenure of the previous government, he said. He alleged that the then government did not follow rules in setting up medical colleges. A white paper will be released on this, he said. Sathya Kumar took charge as ap medical and health minister on Sunday. He later spoke to the media. He said he would work towards making Andhra Pradesh a cancer-free state. We will provide better medical care to even remote villages,” he said.
“We will correct the mistakes of the previous government and make the state a role model in medicine. We will provide necessary facilities for the treatment of cancer and take steps to prevent this pandemic. Arrangements will be made for the welfare of medical and health department staff, creation of infrastructure in hospitals and treatment in government hospitals on the lines of AIIMS,” Satya Kumar said.
Satya Kumar Yadav takes charge as Health Minister
Wednesday, January 22, 2025