Salman Khan, is gearing up for Sikandar, an action-drama that has generated tremendous excitement before its grand release on Eid 2025. This one, directed by AR Murugadoss who has worked in Tamil as well as Hindi, promises an exciting cinematic experience. This much-promoted project has, along with Salman Khan, Rashmika Mandanna from Pushpa 2 on board as heroine. Undoubtedly, the film of its cast will be one of the most eagerly waited in 2025.
The makers planned to drop the teaser on the day of Salman Khan’s birthday, that is at 11:07 AM and coinciding with it,. However, this release of the teaser is going to get postponed due to the former Prime Minister of India, Dr. Manmohan Singh. The move is a symbol of respect paid by the directors for the valuable contributions of the country by the ex-PM. Therefore, the teaser will be out tomorrow, building further excitement among the fans and creating more expectations.
Under the production of Sajid Nadiadwala, Nadiadwala Grandson Entertainment, Sikandar is all set to be a massive blockbuster. The movie will include high-octane action sequences, an exciting storyline, and excellent visuals that will make it a super hit at the box office.
Fans are already on the lookout for some glance of Sikandar. Teaser launch tomorrow is surely going to increase excitement to a level. Starring Salman Khan, directed by AR Murugadoss, and with such a good cast, Sikandar will be one of those landmark films in the entertainment world. Keep tuned for further updates as the release date is approaching.