In recent days, a heated exchange has unfolded between the ruling and opposition parties in Andhra Pradesh regarding the Land Titling Act (LTA). TDP leader Chandrababu Naidu and Jana Sena chief Pawan Kalyan have been vocal in their criticism of the LTA during their meetings. They argue that the law jeopardizes people’s land rights.
Meanwhile, Chief Minister Jagan and other YSRCP leaders are called upon to provide clarifications on the act amidst the ongoing debate. Government advisor Sajjala Ramakrishna Reddy addressed the issue in a press conference at Tadepalli, asserting that the LTA serves as a long-term solution to the longstanding challenges faced by farmers and landowners. He emphasized that the law was introduced by the Centre, suggesting that any inquiries regarding it should be directed to the BJP.
Sajjala condemned what he deemed as politically motivated misinformation campaigns against the YSRCP, urging the AP BJP to offer their stance on the Land Titling Act.
Live: Sajjala Ramakrishna Reddy’s Press Meet
Saturday, January 18, 2025