Victory Venkatesh’s landmark 75th film was titled Saindhav. The shooting formalities of this much-awaited film have been progressing at full tilt and the makers have already announced that it will hit the screens on December 22nd. Sailesh Kolanu of Hit 2 fame is calling shots for this action entertainer.
Ever since the project was announced earlier this year, ‘Saindhav’ team has chalked out perfect promotional strategies to generate good buzz on the film. The first look teaser followed by the introduction of all central characters through individual posters has created a strong hype for Saindhav. The intriguing set-up and Venky’s impressive makeover have ensured that the film draws the attention of trade circles as well.
Moreover, the ideal release date during the Christmas season is another reason why trade circles are betting big on this film. As per the latest reports, Saindhav is getting handsome offers from buyers in all territories. The film is likely to recoup the majority of its production cost just with the theatrical rights.
Also, the non-theatrical business is likely to fetch a solid amount because the film has garnered the attention of moviegoers even before the release of the trailer. The story of Saindhav deals with a unique line and it is being mounted on a grand scale.
The makers of Saindhav have hit the bull’s eye with their perfect planning. They are pulling all stops to make this a memorable landmark film in Venky’s career. The film stars a host of actors from different languages.
‘Saindhav’ team hits the bull’s eye with perfect planning
Wednesday, January 22, 2025