Congress MP Chamala Kiran Kumar Reddy caused quite a storm over his remarks making a link between Telangana CM Revanth Reddy’s leadership and Allu Arjun’s arrest. The Bhongir MP likened Revanth Reddy as “a Pan-India CM” parallel to the countrywide success with Pushpa 2 that followed for Allu Arjun at an informal media meeting held at Gandhi Bhavan on Thursday.
“Revanth Reddy is a people-centric leader who treats everyone equally, irrespective of their economic or social background. He applied the same fairness even in the case of Allu Arjun’s arrest. Just like Pushpa 2 became a pan-India blockbuster, Revanth Reddy has now emerged as a pan-India CM,” Kiran Kumar Reddy remarked.
The comments seem to have started out as playful but have elicited a significant amount of criticism from fans of Allu Arjun and many high-ranking officials of TFI. These comments also revive speculation surrounding the CM’s involvement in Allu Arjun’s arrest in relation to allegations against him—although he maintains a clean chit.
This time it comes at a sensitive moment when both Congress Party and the TFI try to mend their relationships after the controversial incidents in 2024. Many fear the comments from Kiran Kumar Reddy can jeopardise fragile peace and disturb things once again.
The incident reminds one how seemingly casual statements from public figures can have significant repercussions, especially when they chanced upon higher profile personalities and polarizing issues. By virtue of Allu Arjun’s massive fan base, the stakes both political in nature, the remarks are sure to keep the controversy alive in the public discourse.