Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy expressed his dissatisfaction with the central government’s neglect regarding the Padma Awards. Despite the state government recommending notable figures such as Gaddar, Chukka Ramayya, Andeshri, Gorati Venkanna, and Jayadeer Tirumalaravu for the Padma Shri award, the central government did not consider their names, which he stated was an insult to the four crore people of Telangana. He also expressed discontent over the fact that, while the central government announced Padma awards for 139 people, Telangana was not granted even five awards. Reports suggest that the Chief Minister is contemplating writing a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi on this matter.
The Chief Minister extended his congratulations to the recipients of the Padma Awards from Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He expressed happiness over the recognition of Dr. Nageshwar Reddy, Nandamuri Balakrishna, Mand Krishna Madiga, KL Krishna, Madugula Nagaphani Sharma, the late Miryala Appa Rao, and Raghavendraacharya Panchamukhi, who were awarded the prestigious honors. Revanth Reddy praised their dedication and efforts in their respective fields, which he believed led to their selection for the country’s highest honors.