Telangana Chief Minister and State Congress Chief A Revanth Reddy addressed questions regarding the possibility of the Congress projecting a candidate from the South as prime minister during an episode of Rajat Sharma’s renowned TV show, Aap Ki Adalat. Responding to Sharma’s inquiry, Revanth Reddy noted the prominent presence of Southern leaders within the Congress hierarchy and suggested that someone from the South could potentially assume the role of Prime Minister in the future.
Sharma interjected, suggesting that departures from the Congress might be attributed to the perceived dominance of the South lobby within the party. Revanth Reddy countered by highlighting the disparity in political representation between the North and the South, citing examples of underrepresentation in key ministerial positions.
Expanding on this, Revanth Reddy emphasized the electoral strength of the Southern states, particularly Karnataka and Telangana, while downplaying the Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) electoral prospects in the region. He asserted that despite the BJP’s dominance in certain Northern states, their chances of securing a significant majority in the Lok Sabha were limited, humorously suggesting that the remaining seats they required could only be won in Pakistan, not India.
Revanth Reddy in Aap Ki Adalat LIVE
Wednesday, January 22, 2025