Director Prasanth Varma’s Hanu-Man is touted to be the first superhero film in the history of Indian cinema. Starring Teja Sajja in the lead role, the film is said to be the first installment of Prasanth Varma’s cinematic universe and it has created a massive euphoria after the release of a scintillating teaser glimpse a few months ago.
Now, the makers of Hanu-Man locked January 12th as the release date. The film was initially supposed to release during the Summer of this year. However, it has been postponed due to extensive post-production activities. Confirming the release date, the makers have released a poster in which the lead protagonist is seen flying off from the edge of a cliff with a Hanuman flag in his hand. The breathtaking backdrop with eye-catching visual adds to the magnificence of the poster.
Sankranti is an ideal season for a film like Hanu-Man. Despite heavy competition from other biggies of Tollywood, the makers of Hanu-Man are confident that the film will find huge patronage during the festive season.
The shooting formalities have already been wrapped up. But, the team is taking considerable time to come up with a quality output as it will feature plenty of VFX shots. Prasanth Varma is taking utmost care to deliver a visual extravaganza on screen with Hanu-Man.
K. Niranjan Reddy has bankrolled the film.
Release Date: Hanu-Man joins Sankranti race
Wednesday, January 22, 2025