Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja jumped on the pan-India bandwagon last year when he signed a film under the production of Abhishek Agarwal Arts. Titled eponymously ‘Tiger Nageswara Rao’, a biopic based on the notorious thief hailing from the infamous Stuartapuram village of Andhra Pradesh who kept the police officers of the 1970s on tenterhooks with his ingenious evading tactics, the film is being made on a larger-than-life canvas by director Vamsee.
Ravi Teja’s role in this film will be a complete departure from what he has essayed so far in his career. His mannerisms and dialogue delivery will be surprisingly wacky and stunning. He is very desperate to make an impact at the pan-India level at the fag end of his career. As the story has the potential to resonate with moviegoers beyond the Telugu States, the makers of Tiger Nageswara Rao are planning to release the film in multiple languages.
A lot of money is riding on this film as it is the costliest production in Ravi Teja’s career. His previous outing Ravanasura tanked heavily at the box office. So, the Dhamaka actor is betting big on this film. If this film fails to connect with the audiences, it might dent his market further. This is going to be a make-or-break film for Ravi Teja.
Producer Abhishek Agarwal used all his influence and roped in superstars from different languages to unveil the first look teaser on May 24th. Victory Venkatesh will release the Telugu version and John Abraham will unveil the Hindi version of the first look. Shiva Raj Kumar, Karthi and Dulquer Salmaan will release it in other languages.
Nupur Sanon and Gayathri Bharadwaj are the female leads and GV Prakash is scoring the soundtrack. The film is slated for release on October 20th.
Ravi Teja betting big on his first pan-India film
Wednesday, January 22, 2025