RRR actor Ram Charan is going to join forces with Uppena ( Best Telugu film) director Buchi Babu Sana for a sports drama. Tentatively titled RC16, the film is expected to go on floors towards the end of this year or early next year. The pre-production activities are currently in full swing and the makers are planning to rope in renowned actors and technicians for this pan-India film.
Meanwhile, the film’s director revealed that the story is going to be very raw with an intense character for the lead protagonist. He is going to present Ram Charan in a never-before-seen ferocious avatar. The story is set in a rural milieu and will have a sports backdrop. He worked for four years on this script and initially considered NTR as the lead actor. As NTR rejected the idea, he approached Ram Charan and got the approval.
It is going to be a very challenging role for Ram Charan after Rangasthalam and RRR. He will need to pull up his socks to portray this out-of-box character. Once he is done with Game Changer, Charan will start preparing for this role.
AR Rahman is on board to compose tunes and Ratnavelu will crank the camera. Mythri Movie Makers will bankroll the film.
Ram Charan’s sports drama will have raw and rustic flavour
Wednesday, January 22, 2025