Hyderabad: A heartfelt video from the popular talk show *NBK Unstoppable* featuring an elderly man narrating how actor Ram Charan and his wife Upasana helped save his wife’s life has taken social media by storm. The actor’s gesture has been widely lauded, earning him immense appreciation from fans and netizens alike.
In the video, the elderly man recounts how Ram Charan acted promptly after learning about his wife’s critical condition. “My wife was speaking incoherently, and Ram Charan immediately arranged an ambulance to transport her to Apollo Hospital. Upon our arrival, the hospital staff warmly received us and provided 17 days of free treatment in the ICU. Specialists attended to her daily,” he said.
The man added that he was anxious about the medical expenses but was informed that Ram Charan and Upasana had already assured the hospital they would cover all costs. “Without charging a single rupee, they returned my wife to me, fully recovered,” he said, breaking down in tears.
The video has gone viral, with Ram Charan receiving widespread praise for his altruism. Fans and social media users have hailed his kindness, describing him as having a “golden heart.” The incident has further cemented his reputation as a compassionate and socially responsible individual.