Following the global success of RRR, actor Ram Charan is making sure that he chooses performance-oriented scripts that will elevate his stardom further. He is currently working on a social drama titled ‘Game Changer’ in the direction of Shankar Shanmugam. After Game Changer, he will team up with Telugu filmmaker Buchi Babu Sana for a sports drama.
As per the latest reports, the story of Buchi Babu’s film is set in the backdrop of the Uttarandhra region in Andhra Pradesh. It will be a rustic commercial entertainer that has Ram Charan playing a handicapped kabaddi player. Though the story has a sports backdrop, there will be plenty of emotion and drama intertwined into the narrative.
As Ram Charan’s character needs to speak pure Uttarandhra dialect, he will rope in a tutor to gain perfection of diction and slang. He will undergo training to get the hang of the native jargon. After completing his work on Game Changer, Charan will seek training from the tutor.
The regular shooting of this untitled film will commence early next year. AR Rahman will compose the tunes.
Ram Charan to hire a tutor for #RC16
Wednesday, January 22, 2025