Actor Ram Charan has extended his gratitude to Andhra Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister Pawan Kalyan for his continuous support. Sharing pictures from the Game Changer pre-release event on social media platform X, Ram Charan wrote, “Honorable Deputy CM Pawan Kalyan garu… As your son, actor, and an Indian citizen, I hold you in high regard. Thank you for always standing by me and offering your unwavering support.”
The pre-release event of Game Changer was held on Saturday evening in Rajamahendravaram, with Pawan Kalyan attending as the chief guest. Addressing the gathering, Pawan Kalyan said, “Ram Charan is our precious gem. Though not born to the same mother, he is my brother. He remains grounded as he grows in stature. I wish him immense success, not just as a babai but as a brother. Love you, Ram Charan… Love you all.”
Game Changer, starring Ram Charan in dual roles as Ram Nandan and Appanna, is a political action thriller directed by Shankar with a story by Karthik Subbaraj. Kiara Advani plays the female lead, while the flashback role of Appanna is said to be pivotal to the narrative. The film also features Anjali, Srikanth, S.J. Suryah, and Sunil in key roles. Produced by Dil Raju under the Sri Venkateswara Creations banner, the film is set for a grand release on January 10, coinciding with Sankranti celebrations.