This morning, Megapower Star Ram Charan was seen gracing the sets of Nandamuri Balakrishna’s popular talk show, Unstoppable, to promote his much-awaited film, Game Changer. A heartwarming moment from the show, featuring Balakrishna holding Ram Charan’s hand and his wish for all Sankranthi releases to do well, has been hitting fans’ timelines and is trending on social media.
Adding to the excitement, Sharwanand, Ram Charan’s closest friend, also joined the episode, bringing an extra layer of fun and camaraderie. Fans are eagerly looking forward to seeing their chemistry on screen. The filming of this much-awaited episode is currently underway.
Game Changer, a political action thriller supposed to come out first during the Sankranthi festive season, is directed by visionary filmmaker Shankar. Now, coming to the talks about casting, this movie has an array of actor and actress names like SJ Suryah, Kiara Advani, Anjali, Srikanth, Naveen Chandra, Samuthirakani, and Jayaram, and it is produced by renowned Dil Raju. The movie promises to be among the topmost most anticipating flicks to come out in the year.