umerous film personalities have been actively involved in campaigning for the YSRCP alliance in the Assembly and Lok Sabha elections in Andhra Pradesh, braving the scorching heat to canvass for votes door-to-door. Anchor Shyamala, who is campaigning for the YSRCP, recently made remarks during an interview, indirectly referring to the wavering loyalty within the cadres of both TDP and Jana Sena.
Responding to Shyamala’s comments, actor Thirty Years Prithvi, who is campaigning for Jana Sena, TDP, and BJP candidates, addressed the media in Tirupati on Monday. He mentioned Shyamala’s brief appearance in his film “Loukyam” and emphasized the consistency in viewpoints expressed by individuals like Roja and Shyamala.
Prithvi recounted his experience walking through Visakhapatnam, highlighting issues such as pollution in areas like Relli Street and those inhabited by fishermen. He alleged that despite these challenges, Shyamala portrayed Visakhapatnam positively, suggesting a potential financial incentive behind her remarks.
Prudhvi Raj’s Strong Counter to Anchor Shyamala
Wednesday, January 22, 2025