otina Mahesh, a leader of the YSRCP, once again launched a verbal assault on Jana Sena chief Pawan Kalyan. Mahesh criticized Pawan Kalyan, stating that his words and actions were not consistent. He recalled an incident from 2014 when Pawan Kalyan claimed to reside in an ordinary apartment and faced repossession threats for not paying his car EMI, alleged that now is having assets worth Rs. 1500 to Rs. 2000 crore. Mahesh questioned how Pawan Kalyan, who had faced such financial challenges, amassed wealth over the past decade.
Mahesh accused Pawan Kalyan of betraying and exploiting those who entered politics trusting him, claiming that Pawan Kalyan had accumulated thousands of crores worth of assets and land. He asserted that while Pawan Kalyan advocated for change, he was actually acting as a pawn for Chandrababu Naidu. Mahesh also alleged that Pawan Kalyan sold Jana Sena Party to Chandrababu Naidu before forming and used the money to establish his own party. Consequently, Pawan Kalyan has faced severe criticism, being labeled as a political opportunist.
Pothina Mahesh About Pawan Kalyan’s Assets And Lands
Wednesday, January 22, 2025