By 5 pm on Monday, 68.04% of Andhra Pradesh’s electorate had cast their votes, despite instances of violence reported in areas like Palnadu and Annamayya districts. The final turnout, projected to reach 80%, will be officially disclosed on Tuesday. Chief Electoral Officer Mukesh Kumar Meena reassured voters that peace was swiftly restored in affected areas to ensure uninterrupted polling access. Meena expressed optimism that the overall turnout would surpass the previous record of 79%, noting a steady increase in voter participation throughout the day.
Throughout the day, serpentine queues formed across the state as voters eagerly made their way to polling stations. Polling hours were extended until 10 pm in several booths to accommodate the high turnout. Despite sporadic violence, particularly in Palnadu district, Meena assured that peace was swiftly restored, ensuring voters’ uninterrupted access to polling stations. Additionally, he clarified that re-polling was not deemed necessary anywhere.
Possibility Of Over 80% Polling In Andhra Pradesh
Saturday, January 18, 2025