The NTR district police apprehended five individuals on Tuesday in connection with the stone-throwing incident targeting Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy near Ajith Singh Nagar last Saturday. Subsequently, Satish, identified as A1 in the attack on CM Jagan, was remanded to 14-day judicial custody by the Vijayawada sessions court. Satish was then transferred to Nellore Central Jail.
According to the police’s remand report, the assault was executed with the intent of causing harm to CM Jagan, targeting his vulnerable head area deliberately. Furthermore, the report indicates that A1’s involvement in the attack was orchestrated by A2. Durga Rao, currently under police custody, is believed to play a pivotal role in the case, with ongoing investigations focusing on individuals associated with him. Additionally, authorities suspect political conspiracy involvement in the incident.
Durga Rao is expected to appear in court today, and further revelations about the investigation are anticipated in accordance with the court’s directives.
Stone Attack on Jagan: Police To Arrest A2 Durgarao
Sunday, January 19, 2025