Prime Minister Narendra Modi virtually inaugurated the Cherlapally Railway Terminal. Later, he dedicated it to the nation on Monday. The Cherlapally Railway Terminal was built with technology and state-of-the-art facilities at a cost of Rs. 413 crore. Chief Minister Revanth Reddy participated virtually in this program and thanked Modi on this occasion. Union Ministers Bandi Sanjay and Kishan Reddy were also present.
All arrangements were made to inaugurate this terminal on December 28 last year. However, the program was postponed due to the death of former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.
Speaking on this occasion, PM Modi said that connectivity is being given top priority. He said that the metro network has expanded to more than 1,000 kilometers across the country. He revealed that arrangements have been made for new connectivity in Telangana, Odisha and Jammu and Kashmir.
He said that we are breaking new ground in the country step by step and are giving priority to infrastructure in the railway sector. Along with modernization, we are improving facilities for passengers and working to increase connectivity to all parts of the country, he added.
PM Modi reminded that high-speed trains like Vande Bharat Express are running, and that facilities like sleepers will be provided in these. He said that the construction of under-bridges along with new railway tracks is being accelerated, and that the pressure on Secunderabad and Kacheguda stations will be reduced through the Cherlapally Terminal.
He revealed that the demand for high-speed trains is increasing across the country. He reminded that 35% electrification has been completed in the country, and that Amrit Bharat, Vande Bharat and Namo Bharat trains have been brought. He said that the railways have taken a new shape in the last decade, and the modernization of the railways is changing the face of the country.
Meanwhile, Chief Minister Revanth Reddy thanked Narendra Modi on the occasion of the inauguration of the Cherlapally Terminal. He said that if the Center cooperates, Telangana state will achieve a trillion economy. He asked for a dry port to be given to Telangana, cooperation in the construction of RRR and support for the expansion of the Metro Rail.