Powerstar Pawan Kalyan took a break from his movies to take part in political campaign for Janasena. He toured different places in Andhra Pradesh for nearly two months and returned to Hyderabad last month. After taking a few days rest and spending time with his family, Pawan is ready to resume shooting formalities for his upcoming films.
It is a known fact that Pawan Kalyan collaborated with Gabbar Singh director Harish Shankar for the second time. The film titled Ustaad Bhagat Singh will see Pawan Kalyan as an irreverent cop who is posted in a highly contentious location in Hyderabad.
Ustaad Bhagat Singh went on floors in the Summer this year. But, only a minor portion of the shoot was completed so far due to Pawan’s unavailability. He is now ready to join the sets from this morning in Hyderabad.
Reportedly, Pawan allotted 20 days to shoot for this film before moving on to Sujeeth’s OG. Harish Shankar is going to film a heavy-duty action episode and some key scenes featuring Pawan Kalyan and the remaining cast in this schedule.
On this occasion, Harish Shankar posted a picture with a bunch of weapons ranging from different-sized swords and sickles to heavy axes to hint that it is going to be blood blood-curdling action sequence.
Ustaad Bhagat Singh is coming from the stables of Mythri Movie Makers. Sree Leela and Sakshi Vaidya are the female leads.
Pawan Kalyan resumes with a high-voltage episode
Wednesday, January 22, 2025