Jana Sena leader Pawan Kalyan convened a Varahi Vijayabheri Sabha in Palakonda, Parvathipuram Manya district, delivering a compelling speech. Amidst his address, Kalyan noticed a billboard featuring CM Jagan’s image, boasting of fulfilling dreams. Turning attention to the hoarding, Kalyan questioned whether Jagan had delivered on promises like Mega DSC and job creation for the youth, or the implementation of ST sub-plans.
Pawan Kalyan lauded wrestler Kodi Ramamurthy for breaking chains of oppression and urged leaders to address the aspirations of the youth. He criticized Jagan’s failure to fulfill commitments, such as banning alcohol despite soaring prices. He also questioned Jagan’s response to issues like the disappearance of thousands of girls and the non-abolishment of CPS.
Highlighting his affinity for Uttarandhra, Pawan Kalyan stressed the region’s significance and its people’s struggles. He vowed to stay committed to the cause of the people, refusing to yield to defeat. Kalyan concluded with a rendition of the song “Malli Neekkendura Pelli,” showcasing his connection to the culture and spirit of Uttarandhra.
LIVE : Pawan Kalyan Addresses Public Meeting in Palakonda
Wednesday, January 22, 2025