Deputy Chief Minister Pawan Kalyan has directed the Pollution Control Board (PCB) officials to conduct inspections into allegations that Universal Biofuels Private Limited is emitting foul odor in the Kakinada coastal area.
He said that people of surrounding areas facing serious problems as a polluting foul odor is being emitted from the Universal Biofuels Private Limited company located in the Vakalapudi Industrial Area of Kakinada. He inquired about the issue of the release of pungent and foul-smelling gases from the company for the last few days.
The Deputy Chief Minister spoke to PCB Chairman Krishnaiah and PCB Kakinada Regional Officer Shankara Rao over the phone. He ordered them to check whether the Universal Biofuels company is complying with the pollution control rules or not and submit a report immediately.
He made it clear that people should not have any air pollution problems. As per the orders of the Deputy Chief Minister, the PCB officials inspected the plant and initially found that raw materials were being used against the rules. As a result, officials said that pungent and foul-smelling gases were coming out.
During the inspections conducted on the 21st of this month, it was confirmed that palm fatty acid used as raw material was adulterated. PCB officials concluded that adulterated chemicals were used due to the increase in raw material prices. The officials closed the factory on the 24th of this month. PCB officials said that a comprehensive investigation will be conducted soon.
Meanwhile, Pawan Kalyan has ordered senior officials of the Forest Department to conduct an investigation into the death of Olive Ridley turtles on the Kakinada coast. He said that a large number of rare Olive Ridley turtles are dying in Kakinada Beach Road, APIIC and Vakalapudi areas. He has issued orders to investigate the reasons for the death of Olive Ridley turtles and take immediate action against those responsible for this.