No direct Indian film has ever bagged the prestigious and coveted ‘Oscar’ Award in any category. Despite getting several nominations for the Academy Awards over the years, Indian films fell short to clinch the elusive holy grail. This year, the Telugu film RRR has a big chance to script history as it is contesting in the Best Original Song category for the blockbuster and iconic song ‘Naatu Naatu’ rendered by MM Keeravani and penned by Chandra Bose.
Previously, AR Rahman, Resul Pookutty, and Gulzar won the Oscars in 2009 for their work in Jai Ho song from the British film Slumdog Millionaire. Bhanu Athaiya is the first Indian to win the Oscars for her costume design in the British film Gandhi. So, technically RRR has the opportunity to emerge as the first Indian film to bag the much-anticipated award. Besides RRR, All that Breathes and The Elephant Whisperers are also in the race for the Oscars in the Best Documentary category.
Naatu Naatu song from RRR will be facing stiff competition from Hollywood biggies like Top Gun Maverick, Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, Tell it like a Woman, and Everything Everywhere All at once. However, the odds of winning remain on the higher side for Naatu Naatu from RRR. The super hit song already made its presence felt at various renowned awards ceremonies and festivals in the run-up to the Oscars.
SS Rajamouli and his team shelled out crores of rupees to promote the film at various international film festivals. They dedicated ample time and interacted with a host of Hollywood media outlets in the last six months to bring home the elusive award for India. After months of aggressive campaigning, RRR is on the final lap in its quest to create history. We are just hours away from the announcement of the final winners. Wishing the team of RRR best of luck for this once-in-a-lifetime moment.
Oscars 2023 : Final lap for RRR in quest of the Holy Grail
Wednesday, January 22, 2025