Saaho director Sujeeth teamed up with Pawan Kalyan for an epic gangster drama, titled OG, set in the backdrop of Mumbai. The filming has been progressing at a brisk pace ever since this project went on floors in April this year. Despite Pawan’s busy schedule, Sujeeth and his team managed to complete half of the film’s shoot till now. When Pawan is busy with political activities, Sujeeth is wrapping up the remaining portions in quick time.
Though there is no clarity on when will Pawan resume shooting, Sujeeth is going ahead with his plans. He is finishing off the production activities simultaneously without wasting much time waiting for Pawan Kalyan. Moreover, he is also planning to unveil the first teaser and the first look of this film on September 2nd on the eve of Pawan’s birthday.
As Pawan already shot for a few episodes, Sujeeth wants to cut a brief teaser from his portions and unveil it as a birthday treat. Unlike the directors of Pawan’s other films, Sujeeth is not waiting for Pawan Kalyan to resume the shooting formalities. He is planning the schedules smartly and completing the remaining portions without any issues.
OG has Priyanka Arul Mohan as the female lead. DVV Danayya is producing the film and SS Thaman is scoring the soundtrack.
OG: Sujeeth goes ahead with his plans
Wednesday, January 22, 2025