RRR actor NTR’s next pan-India outing Devara – Part 1 was initially supposed to hit the screens on April 5th this year. Even when the first teaser was dropped before Sankranti festival earlier this year, the makers have reiterated that the film will arrive in theatres for Summer. But, rumours started to surface all of a sudden after a few days regarding the postponement of the film.
Now, the team has officially announced the new release date. As per the latest formal statement from the production house, the first part of Devara will hit the screens on October 10th, which is two days before Dussehra festival. The film is releasing on Thursday, which means it will have a four-day weekend.
Though the team didn’t reveal why the release has been pushed ahead by six months from its original date, it seems like they want to dedicate ample time for the extensive VFX work and also because many other upcoming biggies have already occupied crucial dates in the next few months.
A new poster featuring NTR in an electrifying avatar with the backdrop of a mountain-like rock and many people standing at some distance is unveiled by the team to announce the new release date. It would be interesting to see if the team swaps the release date in case Allu Arjun’s Pushpa 2 gets postponed from August 15th.
Devara is about a fictional coastal land where illicit and contraband activities are prevalent. NTR plays a ruthless character in this action saga which has Koratala Siva at the helm. Jahnvi Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan are playing important roles.
Official: NTR’s Devara targets Dussehra festival
Wednesday, January 22, 2025