Telangana Chief Minister and Congress party president Revanth Reddy officially announced the first candidate for the upcoming parliament elections. The high command has finalized former MLA Challa Vamshi Chand Reddy as the Congress party contestant from the Mahbubnagar segment in the 2024 Loksabha elections. Revanth made this announcement during his public meeting at Kosgi yesterday evening. He urged the party cadre and the voters of the constituency to give a thumping majority to Vamshi Chand Reddy.
Vamshi Chand Reddy served as MLA from Kalwakurthi constituency during 2014-2019. Before that, he served as president of Andhra Pradesh Youth Congress and also held various other posts in the party.
There are 17 Loksabha seats in Telangana and the Congress party under the leadership of Revanth Reddy is putting in all efforts to secure the majority of them in the forthcoming elections which are scheduled to be held in May this year. As the party romped to a decisive victory in the recent assembly elections, the cadre is very confident that it will fare exceedingly well in the Loksabha elections also.
Sources say that the Pradesh Election Committee of Congress has already submitted the list of contestants for the remaining 16 segments to the State Incharge Deep Das Munshi. After a thorough screening process, the names will be officially announced. As Vamshi Chand Reddy’s candidature is finalized, Revanth Reddy made it official on Wednesday.
Meanwhile, the remaining parties of Telangana state are yet to announce their candidates for these elections. There are widespread rumours that the BRS and the BJP will forge an alliance to pose a significant challenge to the Congress party.
First contestant of Congress party announced
Wednesday, January 22, 2025