After scoring a global hit with RRR, NTR teamed up with Telugu director Koratala Siva for his 30th film which is titled Devara. The pan-India film went on floors a few weeks ago and the team has already wrapped up a couple of hectic schedules in which key scenes featuring NTR have been shot. Now, NTR took a short break from the shoot to spend some quality time with his family.
It is a known fact that NTR headed to a foreign country to enjoy a short jaunt with his kids and wife. Though he is on vacation, the RRR actor is not taking any off days from his rigorous workout. He is getting into shape for Devara and sweating out whenever he gets time. As per the latest reports, he is undergoing intense training even during his vacation. Earlier this weekend, a picture of NTR flaunting his muscles while working out with his physical trainer started trending all over on social media platforms.
NTR’s dedication for Devara even when he is enjoying a short trip with his family is now receiving plaudits from all quarters. The picture showered praises for NTR’s never give up attitude.
Devara stars NTR Jahnvi Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan in significant roles. The film is slated for release in Summer of next year.
NTR’s dedication for Devara receives plaudits
Wednesday, January 22, 2025