After delivering a blockbuster with Megastar Chiranjeevi’s Waltair Veerayya, director KS Ravindra aka Bobby joined forces with another seasoned actor Nandamuri Balakrishna for an out-and-out mass fare. Tentatively titled ‘NBK109’, the first teaser of the film is out today on the eve of Shivaratri and it makes a powerful impact with Balayya’s signature elements.
The one-minute teaser is intensely wild and insane as Balakrishna once again unleashes his trademark mass avatar. The teaser opens with an aerial shot of a forest which is in ablaze. A bunch of men try to confront Balayya who makes a ferocious and scintillating entry and neutralizes them in his very own style with an electrifying punch dialogue.
Bobby appears to have presented the Veera Simha Reddy actor in his wildest avatar. The high-intensity visuals coupled with Thaman’s power-packed score make the teaser a mass treat for Balakrishna’s fans. We are going to witness another commercial potboiler with this untitled film.
Bobby Deol and Dulquer Salmaan will be seen in significant characters. Sitara Entertainment banner, Srikara Studios and Fortune Four Cinemas are jointly bankrolling the film.
‘NBK109’ glimpse: ‘Mass Saruku’ unleashed
Wednesday, January 22, 2025