Andhra Pradesh IT Minister Nara Lokesh assumed office on Monday. Upon arriving at the secretariat in the morning, he was welcomed by pandits chanting Vedic mantras. Lokesh then performed special pujas in his chamber in Block 4 before officially taking charge of the IT, education, and RTG departments. He also reviewed several files. His mother, Nara Bhuvaneswari, congratulated him on Twitter for his new role.
Accompanied by Vedic scholars, Lokesh visited his secretariat chamber and shared a video online. Bhuvaneswari expressed her confidence in Andhra Pradesh’s development in the IT sector under his leadership. “I wish Lokesh a successful five-year term and hope for his ability to advance the state’s progress and serve the people,” she tweeted.
Nara Lokesh Takes Charge as Minister
Sunday, January 19, 2025