Seasoned actor Akkineni Nagarjuna was supposed to team up with happening and reliable story writer Prasanna Kumar Bezawada for a period drama. Nag was cock-a-hoop after listening to the script and agreed to launch Prasanna as a director. Nag’s close friend Srinivasa Chitturi came forward to pool resources for this project. The pre-production works also commenced and an official announcement was just a matter of time.
But, then came the shocker to Nagarjuna. He heard through media circles that Prasanna Kumar Bezawada is remaking a Malayalam film with him. Many reports emanated in media that the story is inspired by the 2019 hit drama ‘Porinju Mariam Jose’. Noted producer Abhishek Aggarwal also issued a press note that he has already acquired the remake rights of that film and asserted that any attempts to remake it would invite legal action.
Though Prasanna Kumar denied that he didn’t copy the story except for a few scenes, Nag discovered that the entire story narrated to him was directly lifted from the said film. He reportedly watched the Malayalam film and got infuriated because the young writer has cheated him. He has decided to put the project on hold.
But, Nag liked the film. He has now decided to buy the remake rights and adapt it for Telugu moviegoers. It remains to be seen if Prasanna Kumar still gets the chance to direct the film or not. Meanwhile, Nag is looking to work on other projects. There is a buzz that Raghava Lawrence is likely to reunite with Nag after nearly two decades.
Nagarjuna feels cheated and keeps his 99th project on hold
Wednesday, January 22, 2025