The trailer of director Avasarala Srinivas’ upcoming romantic entertainer Phalana Abbayi Phalana Ammayi brims with myriad emotions as it traces the eventful journey of the lead pair played by Naga Shaurya and Malavika Nair.
The two-minute trailer is packed with scenes featuring different stages of their journey after they meet for the first time during their college days. They fall in love, live together, share good chemistry, miss each other, meet again, and finally get separated after having some differences. This is the sequence of the scenes in the trailer which solely narrates their heart-breaking journey. Will they finally meet and live happily together or is there any twist in the tale is left for the viewers to find out when the film arrives in theatres on March 17th.
Actor-turned-director Avasarala Srinivas delivered a heartwarming romance with Ohalu Gusagusalade in 2014. With PAPA, he seems to be once again coming up with another feel-good modern-day love story with relatable characters. Naga Shaurya appears charming and carries multiple emotions with ease. Malavika Nair is cute and complements him very well in emotional scenes. The chemistry is sparkling and is further enhanced by the delightful music score of Kalyani Malik. The cinematography is splendid and the production values make the visuals more beautiful.
On the whole, the trailer of PAPA has its moments to capture the attention of youthful audiences. The lead pair’s beautiful screen presence is the major highlight of the cut. It has positive vibes all over despite the predictable tropes of a romantic entertainer.
Naga Shaurya ‘s PAPA trailer : Brims with myriad emotions
Wednesday, January 22, 2025