Akkineni Nagarjuna’s 99th film was announced today morning on the eve of his birthday. As speculated earlier, the film is titled Naa Saami Ranga and it will have popular choreographer Vijay Binni making his directional debut. The first look glimpse is out now and it promises an out-and-out masala entertainer this Sankranti.
The two-minute glimpse is a perfect cut to showcase what is in store for audiences. It reveals that Naa Saami Ranga will present Nag in a complete mass avatar with a powerful character and an impressive makeover. He looks energetic and carries electrifying mannerisms as he takes on scores of menacing goons who are waiting in the lurch to end his life.
The glimpse starts with the entry of the prime antagonist played by Karuna Kumar of Palasa fame. He hires a batch of goons to intercept Nagarjuna. This is followed by Nag’s terrific entry which sends spills down the spine for his opponents. The thumping background score and plushy production values elevate the teaser a notch higher.
Nag sports a rugged avatar with a thick beard and messy hair. The way he lights the beedi with the filament of the bulb is the high point in the teaser. All in all, the makers of Naa Saami Ranga came up with a scintillating glimpse to trigger a strong buzz on the day of its announcement.
MM Keeravani is scoring the soundtrack. Srinivasaa Silver Screen banner is bankrolling the film.
‘Naa Saami Ranga’ glimpse- Nag’s ‘Mass Euphoria’
Wednesday, January 22, 2025