Tollywood actor Mohan Babu is at the center of a legal controversy after being accused of assaulting journalist Ranjith during a news coverage of a family dispute in Hyderabad. The actor is alleged to have forcibly taken the journalist’s microphone and caused physical harm. Despite the severity of the accusations, the Rachakonda police have not arrested Mohan Babu as of yet.
Mohan Babu, initially fearing an arrest, reportedly went into hiding but later issued a statement clarifying that he had stayed at home during the entire incident. This led to public discussions about why the police had not acted upon the case. In the meantime, Mohan Babu and his family visited the hospitalized journalist, offering financial support for his medical expenses and promising further help.
Although not arrested, the actor remains worried about the potential legal implications. He sought anticipatory bail from the Telangana High Court, but his plea was rejected on December 23. Despite this, the police have not taken any action regarding his arrest.
In light of the High Court’s decision, Mohan Babu has now approached the Supreme Court, challenging the ruling and requesting bail. The Supreme Court is expected to hear and review his petition soon, making the legal proceedings surrounding this case a matter of keen public interest.