Minister for IT and Electronics, Nara Lokesh, has instructed the Education Department officials to ensure that all schools in the state are equipped with basic facilities within one year. During a review meeting with senior officers of the Education Department at his Vundavalli residence, Lokesh emphasized the need to complete all pending works, including the unfinished phase-2 and phase-3 projects initiated by the previous government.
Lokesh also reviewed the quality of mid-day meals provided to students. He inquired about the current standards and directed Ambedkar, the director of the Mid-day Meal Scheme, to submit a detailed report outlining steps to enhance the quality of food for students.
Additionally, the minister instructed officials to conduct a thorough study of the sanitation and cleanliness policies implemented by the New Delhi Government. He emphasized the importance of maintaining high standards of cleanliness in schools to ensure a healthy learning environment.
Minister Nara Lokesh Key Instructions To Education Dept
Wednesday, January 22, 2025