On the eve of Megastar Chiranjeevi’s birthday, the makers of his 157th film unveiled the concept poster just a while ago and it is intriguing enough to grab the attention of moviegoers instantly. Yesterday, an interesting poster with a scorpion inside a cave-like structure was released and it piqued the curiosity due to its design and set-up. Bimbisara director Mallidi Vasistha will wield the megaphone for this film.
Now, the concept poster features a star-like image embedded in circle with ‘Pancha Bhutas’ in each of the five enclosures against a mythical background. We can see the pictorial representation of Water, Fire, Nature, Earth and Ether in the poster. Going by the absorbing design and captivating set-up, it looks like this is going to be a supernatural thriller with a dash of socio-fantasy and mystery.
Chiru will be playing a larger-than-life role in this magnum opus that is going to be made on a staggering budget by UV Creations. The pre-production phase is currently on and the regular shooting will commence towards the end of this year. The cast and crew will be announced later.
The production house Tweeted ‘ This time, its MEGA MASS BEYOND UNIVERSE ♾️
The five elements will unite for the ELEMENTAL FORCE called MEGASTAR ❤️?’
Mega157 – Intriguing Poster with ‘Pancha Bhutas’
Wednesday, January 22, 2025