Superstar Mahesh Babu’s rustic entertainer Guntur Kaaram is fast finishing its shooting formalities in Hyderabad. Director Trivikram Srinivas is wrapping up the talkie portions at a rapid pace. He wants to complete the entire shooting part by the first week of December and release the film for the Sankranti festival at any cost.
Both Mahesh and Trivikram are unfazed by the news that Prabhas’ action behemoth Salaar is likely to hit the screens on January 10th. They are confident that the rural drama and entertainment in Guntur Kaaram will strike a chord with family audiences and result in huge revenues in the first week because of the festival atmosphere in the Telugu States.
It is unlikely that there will be a change in the release date of Guntur Kaaram irrespective of which other films arrive during the festival season. Already medium-budget films like Eagle, Hanuman and Naa Saami Ranga are slated for release in the second week of January.
On the other side, the makers of Salaar have no other option but to release the film in January or move ahead because Shah Rukh Khan’s Dunki occupied the Christmas season and Salman Khan’s Tiger 3 will hit the screens for the Diwali festival.
Despite facing a significant threat from Salaar, team Guntur Kaaram is going ahead to release it on the announced date. The film has Sree Leela and Meenakshii Chaudhary as female leads.
Mahesh and Trivikram unfazed about ‘Salaar’ threat
Friday, September 13, 2024