On the eve of Superstar Krishna’s birth anniversary, the makers of Mahesh Babu’s upcoming film with Trivikram Srinivas announced ‘Guntur Karam’ as the title and treated fans with a scintillating glimpse which is packed with a high-voltage action sequence. While Mahesh Babu’s mass mannerisms with ultra stylish avatar in this brief teaser satiated his cult fans to the core, there are mixed reactions from critics and regular viewers because of some shortcomings in it.
Firstly, Mahesh Babu’s smoking scene in the teaser didn’t go well with a section of audience because it was the birth anniversary of his father Superstar Krishna. Ironically, it was also a ‘No Tobacco Day’ on May 31st. Instead of educating people about the adverse effects of consuming tobacco, Mahesh, being a superstar who inspires tons of his fans, indulging in such a harmful act is receiving a lot of backlash.
Secondly, Trivikram is getting trolled for using ‘Highly Inflammable’ tag which was already used for NTR – Krishna Vamshi 2006 film ‘Rakhi’. Netizens are slamming Trivikram for his inability to come up with a new tag instead of reusing an old one.
He is also criticised for his obsession with the rustic set-up which is similar to his previous outing, Ala Vaikunthaporramuloo. Allu Arjun sported a similar look in a sequence in Ala Vaikunthaporramuloo in which he was seen wearing a bandana on his head while holding a rooster and with a cigarette in his mouth. Now, Mahesh Babu’s body language in the teaser gave a sense of Deja vu for netizens.
Last but not the least, the tacky font of the title didn’t impress many. Trivikram should have taken more care about the title design.
Nevertheless, the intense glimpse with Mahesh Babu’s mass and stylish avatar has been receiving lakhs of views across all platforms.
Mahesh and Trivikram get heavily trolled
Wednesday, January 22, 2025