Sharmila, the APCC chief, accused Peeleru MLA Chintala Ramachandra Reddy of being a mere puppet under the control of Minister Peddireddy Ramachandra Reddy. She asserted that the Peeleru MLA operated under the guidance of Peddireddy and Mithun Reddy, while also alleging Peddireddy’s involvement in rampant corruption. Sharmila questioned whether the YSRCP government had fulfilled any of its promises to the people and criticized both Chandrababu and Jagan for betraying the trust of the state’s citizens during their respective tenures.
She likened the special category status for AP to a life-saving potion, stating that its attainment would have attracted numerous industries to the state. Sharmila lamented the failure to secure the status despite demands from leaders like Chandra Babu for fifteen years, highlighting Jagan’s promise to fight for it. She concluded by asserting that the state’s interests had been compromised by its leaders’ subservience to the Centre. These remarks were delivered during a public gathering in Peeleru
LIVE : YS Sharmila’s Public Meeting in Peeleru
Saturday, January 18, 2025