Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy launched the next phase of his election campaign from Tadipatri, highlighting the welfare measures implemented during his five-year tenure. He urged voters to support him for the continuation of these schemes, cautioning that electing Chandrababu would effectively end them. Emphasizing that these elections are about shaping the next five years, he likened trusting Chandrababu to handing over a tiger’s head. Jagan criticized Chandrababu for making unrealistic promises and touted his own track record of fulfilling 99 percent of the 2019 manifesto commitments.
Over the past five years, Jagan noted that 2.70 lakh disbursements were made to the accounts of the underprivileged through various schemes, alongside the creation of 2.31 lakh jobs and significant improvements in civil services. He highlighted initiatives such as the introduction of secretariats and volunteer systems to enhance governance accessibility. Every farmer now has access to Rythu Bharosa Kendras in the secretariat, and Jagan emphasized the transformative impact of the Nadu-Nedu program on schools and hospitals
LIVE : YS Jagan Public Meet in Tadipatri
Tuesday, January 21, 2025