The Telangana Formation Day celebrations on Sunday featured the launch of the state song, ceremonial parades, tributes to martyrs, and honors for eminent individuals, amid elaborate arrangements. Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy unfurled the national flag at Secunderabad Parade Grounds and took the salute at the ceremonial parade presented by contingents of uniformed personnel, marking the first Formation Day celebration under the Congress after assuming power in the state. Reddy also paid tributes to the martyrs of the Telangana movement at the Martyrs Memorial at Gun Park before arriving at the parade grounds. Despite the scorching heat, a large crowd, including women and children, attended the colorful celebrations. Coinciding with the state formation day, the Chief Minister formally launched the state’s official song, “Jaya Jeyahe Telangana.”
In his address, Chief Minister Reddy expressed gratitude to former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and former UPA Chairperson Sonia Gandhi for realizing the dream of a separate Telangana after six decades. He emphasized that freedom is integral to the Telangana way of life and reiterated the state’s commitment to democracy and social justice. Reddy highlighted the government’s achievements in restoring freedom in public administration, making government offices accessible, and ensuring the freedom of the media and opposition. He stressed the importance of cultural and economic revival for the future of Telangana and announced steps to support this vision.
Live : Telangana Formation Day Celebrations at Parade Grounds
Wednesday, January 22, 2025