Amravati: Controversy Swirls Around Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Jagan Mohan Reddy Amid Stone Pelting Incident. Accusations fly as TDP leader Bonda Uma alleges that CM Jagan orchestrated a “stone drama” to maintain political footing, drawing parallels to previous “knife attack drama.” Uma implicates MP Kesineni Nani and former Minister Vellampalli Srinivas in the incident.
Uma questions the legitimacy of claims of an assassination attempt, citing a lack of public outcry even among YSRCP supporters. He demands the release of call data for Nani and Srinivas, casting suspicion on Vanka Srinu’s involvement and querying the timing of power outage during the CM’s arrival.
Highlighting past attacks on TDP leaders without legal consequences, Uma raises concerns about fairness in legal proceedings between ruling and opposition parties. He pledges to uncover the truth once in power, planning to meet with the Governor. Uma challenges the YSRCP’s narrative, calling for a public eye examination of Vellampalli’s injuries to verify their authenticity, further questioning the party’s credibility.
Bonda Uma’s Allegations and Demands Amidst the Stone Pelting on Jagan
Wednesday, January 22, 2025