TDP leader Chandrababu Naidu participated in the Prajagalam Sabha organized in Rayachoti, Annamayya district. Addressing the gathering, he highlighted the defeat of the YSRCP MP from Rajampet by the alliance candidate and BJP leader Nallari Kiran Kumar Reddy. Naidu praised TDP candidate Mandipalli Ramprasad Reddy, describing him as the right choice to challenge Srikanth Reddy. He emphasized the significance of the upcoming elections, proclaiming the 13th of the month as the dawn of change and victory.
Chandrababu criticized Chief Minister Jagan Mohan Reddy’s tenure, accusing him of neglecting the region’s development and failing to fulfill promises made in the manifesto. He pointed out the rise in fuel and electricity prices under Jagan’s administration and alleged mismanagement of liquor revenue. Naidu questioned Jagan’s credibility, citing unfulfilled pledges such as banning liquor and providing housing for journalists and employees. He condemned Jagan’s governance as “misrule” and accused him of making false promises to secure votes.
Live : TDP Chief Nara Chandrababu Naidu’s Public Meeting in Rayachoti
Wednesday, January 22, 2025