BRS working president KT Rama Rao (KTR) criticized the Congress party’s attempts to divert attention from crucial issues during the run-up to the Lok Sabha elections. Addressing a press conference, KTR highlighted the significance of regional parties like BRS, YSRCP, and Biju Janata Dal, indicating their potential to influence the national political landscape. He accused the Congress of engaging in petty politics and failing to address substantive public concerns during its brief stint in governance.
KTR expressed confidence in BRS’s prospects in the Lok Sabha elections, attributing it to the party members’ resilience and the support of the people of Telangana. He condemned both major parties for their limited focus on criticizing KCR without delivering tangible benefits to Telangana. He warned of public discontent if the Congress fails to fulfill its promises, suggesting that these elections would lay the groundwork for forthcoming local body elections.
LIVE : BRS leader KTR’s Press Meet
Saturday, January 18, 2025