BRS chief KCR criticized Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy, lamenting a lack of priority given to public welfare programs over trivial political maneuvers. He highlighted widespread discontent among the people of Telangana towards the Congress government, foreseeing a surge of public outrage in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, which he believed would be detrimental to the Congress. These remarks were made during a media conference held at Telangana Bhavan.
Furthermore, KCR criticized the Congress party, currently in power in the state, for what he deemed as erratic behavior. He argued that no responsible chief minister would declare the state bankrupt, as such statements tarnish the state’s reputation and undermine its long-term interests. KCR suggested that such pronouncements may provide fleeting satisfaction but ultimately harm the state’s prospects.
KCR also took aim at the Congress government’s policies, particularly regarding the proposed farmer loan waiver. He questioned the credibility of Revanth’s pledge to waive farmers’ loans by August 15, demanding clarity on the timeline. Additionally, KCR accused the Congress of focusing on disparaging him and religious sentiments rather than governing effectively, suggesting that their tenure has brought misfortune upon the agricultural sector.
Press Meet : KCR lashes out at CM Revanth Reddy
Saturday, January 18, 2025