Chief Minister Revanth Reddy rallied the people of Kodangal to resist any conspiracies and plots against them. Hosting a meeting with party leaders from eight mandals at his residence on Monday, he emphasized the need for unity and collaboration in the upcoming elections.
Addressing the gathering, Revanth Reddy questioned the track record of Narendra Modi, who served as Prime Minister for a decade, alleging a lack of substantial progress during his tenure. He also scrutinized the actions of DK Aruna, who held the position of BJP national vice-president, suggesting she failed to deliver significant benefits to the people despite her positions in the Congress party.
Expressing confidence in candidate Vamsi Chand Reddy, Revanth Reddy urged for a resounding victory with a margin of 50,000 votes, promising to secure funding from Delhi for the development of the constituency.
Asserting his commitment to safeguarding the dignity of Kodangal and prioritizing its progress, Revanth Reddy acknowledged attempts to undermine their self-respect, vowing to counter them effectively. He cautioned against efforts to undermine him and the party’s candidate in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, vowing to overcome any challenges posed by detractors.
LIVE : CM Revanth Reddy’s Speech in Kondangal
Sunday, January 19, 2025