Chief Minister Revanth Reddy accused KCR of engaging in a clandestine agreement with the BJP to secure his son’s bail, alleging that the BRS was assisting the BJP in securing five seats. Urging voters not to waste their ballots on the BRS, he appealed to BRS workers to support the Congress party during his speech at the Malkajgiri Janajatara Sabha. He expressed gratitude to the Malkajgiri constituency for standing by him during challenging times, recalling how they propelled him to victory as an MP when he lost the Kodangal assembly elections. He attributed his rise to the post of PCC president and subsequently to CM to his struggles as an MP in Malkajgiri.
Revanth Reddy credited the people of Malkajgiri for empowering him to confront KCR and advocate for the development of the region. However, he criticized the previous government for impeding development projects. He pledged to champion development in Malkajgiri, emphasizing Sunitha Mahender Reddy’s commitment to the cause if elected.
Turning his attention to Etela Rajender, Reddy demanded an explanation for the defeat in Huzurabad and questioned Rajender’s purported closeness to Amit Shah. He challenged Rajender to justify his actions as an MLA for three years and questioned KCR’s silence on corruption allegations and phone tapping. Reddy dismissed the notion that KCR is bad and KTR is good, likening them to a buffalo and its calf, suggesting that they are part of the same corrupt system.
Live : CM Revanth Reddy’s Public Meeting in Malkajgiri
Wednesday, January 22, 2025