Chief Minister Revanth Reddy dismissed the notion of having adversaries in the combined Palamuru district, addressing party workers at a gathering in Kodangal. He highlighted the significance of Congress entrusting the chief ministerial position to the remote Kodangal region and contrasted KCR’s active engagement with the public against secluded farmhouse stays. He accused the BJP and BRS of orchestrating a campaign to tarnish the Congress party’s reputation.
He criticized DK Aruna for obstructing developmental initiatives such as securing Krishna water, constructing dual roads, and impeding the Maktal lift irrigation project, claiming she betrays the people of Palamuru. Revanth Reddy pledged his commitment to the district’s development, urging Palamuru’s residents to support him over the next five years. He emphasized the need to transcend party affiliations and focus on collective progress, urging unity among BJP, Congress, CPI, and CPM supporters. He appealed to Palamuru’s populace to prioritize development over partisan politics.
Live : CM Revanth Reddy’s Public Meeting in Kodangal
Wednesday, January 22, 2025